January 15
It has come to my attention that my blog’s may need a little more looking over before they go out. Today during my one free period of the day, I checked my blog and realized that I had made a huge mistake. One mistake I didn’t want to make. I misspelled a word. Now this word was nothing like ‘hta’ instead of ‘hat’ it was craps. Some of you may have caught that, but I totally did not mean to spell craps. I meant to say CRAMPS. What a difference one letter can make. This mistake was noticed by none other than Darren Wilkins. The one person I only wish hadn’t seen it because now I will never live this one down. Koodo’s to you Wilkins! I step down to you.
Now that business is over. My day was really good. I chased my kids around and soaked them water. It was really fun. Noah (Lao boy) even got a little wet. Sophektra, Pirum, and Vichchetboth have voluntarily taken on the position of sergeant at arms of the K-B class. Every time I have to leave the classroom they jump up and write all the names down of the one being bad. It’s actually quit helpful with I need to run a child to the office. I don’t feel I need to bother Kim to watch my kids on top of her twenty-seven. Maybe I will reward them. What can I do?
I swear something clicked during Christmas break. More of my kids seem to understand English more. I hardly ever speak in broken English anymore. Obviously I don’t use huge words, but I can actually speak more normal. I have also come to appreciate how much my kids know what I want in work and how to behave in the classroom. I don’t think I mentioned this but I have a new student, Both (long ‘o’ and no th). He moved up from Kim’s K-A class to my K-B. Kim’s class was not challenging enough.
I was thinking today. What if I could get a sponsor for my classroom? One to buy each their own colors and things to play with during P.E. / recess. I was planning on buying this ball thingy (one ball and two mitts with Velcro). There was not enough at the store for my kids to use. I know that if I buy something their needs to be at least five. That way sharing takes place.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
January 11
Today Katrina and I took Aliza and Mara out for the afternoon. Aliza is one of Katrina’s first graders. Mara and Aliza are the youngest in the dorm, so you can image how much they value each other. We left school really fast, something I never do, and headed back to the house to change and get money for lunch. We decided to take them to our traditional place, Morning CafĂ© and then off to the pool for a little dip. The dip ended up being a couple of hours. Mara and Aliza loved it, I’m sure we will be doing this some other time. It was ok though because we didn’t have anything else on the agenda for the day. To tell you the truth, I feel so much relaxed without Heather their. Usually I would be freaking out because Heather wants the house cleaned before Sabbath and so much more, but not anymore. Not that I intentionally try not to have things done before Sabbath, but life throws things your way. Although we did want to go to Russian market to look for a coffee table, but never mind. Seeing Mara and Aliza enjoy their afternoon made my day.
While at the pool I was a little nervous because Mara and Aliza don’t know how to swim well and Katrina and I went to the deeper end to swim a little (they were fine in the shallow end), but they wanted to swim with use. That was fine just as long as they held onto the side. We were actually sitting on the edge of the pool. Mara was getting daring and swam to the corner and made it the first time, but one her turn around she didn’t quite make it. Thankfully I was watching her and saw what happened. She pushed off the corner to reach the stair but got stuck in between. I jumped in really fast and grabbed her from underneath. She was a little shaken up, but back in the water like a fish. I don’t even want to image what would have happened if I was not watching. The guilt!
My day at school was not too bad. I was planning on doing finger painting with my kids, but ended up getting my period and was in pain (sure you wanted to know that). I have noticed my craps have intensified since I’ve been here; they never use to be so bad. The trip to the pool helped ease the pain.
I have officially have a favorite out of the 5 girls; Chanlyda. Although she’s not good in here study I just really enjoy her. She makes my day sometimes. She kind of reminds me of myself. Laughs at the stupidest things and is content most of the time. I’m sure my parents will disagree with me. LOL! My Mom and Dad told me they would not take Jake (younger brother) and I anywhere together because in restaurants we were bats out of hell. I can just image how embarrassed my parents were; got to love us though.
Today Katrina and I took Aliza and Mara out for the afternoon. Aliza is one of Katrina’s first graders. Mara and Aliza are the youngest in the dorm, so you can image how much they value each other. We left school really fast, something I never do, and headed back to the house to change and get money for lunch. We decided to take them to our traditional place, Morning CafĂ© and then off to the pool for a little dip. The dip ended up being a couple of hours. Mara and Aliza loved it, I’m sure we will be doing this some other time. It was ok though because we didn’t have anything else on the agenda for the day. To tell you the truth, I feel so much relaxed without Heather their. Usually I would be freaking out because Heather wants the house cleaned before Sabbath and so much more, but not anymore. Not that I intentionally try not to have things done before Sabbath, but life throws things your way. Although we did want to go to Russian market to look for a coffee table, but never mind. Seeing Mara and Aliza enjoy their afternoon made my day.
While at the pool I was a little nervous because Mara and Aliza don’t know how to swim well and Katrina and I went to the deeper end to swim a little (they were fine in the shallow end), but they wanted to swim with use. That was fine just as long as they held onto the side. We were actually sitting on the edge of the pool. Mara was getting daring and swam to the corner and made it the first time, but one her turn around she didn’t quite make it. Thankfully I was watching her and saw what happened. She pushed off the corner to reach the stair but got stuck in between. I jumped in really fast and grabbed her from underneath. She was a little shaken up, but back in the water like a fish. I don’t even want to image what would have happened if I was not watching. The guilt!
My day at school was not too bad. I was planning on doing finger painting with my kids, but ended up getting my period and was in pain (sure you wanted to know that). I have noticed my craps have intensified since I’ve been here; they never use to be so bad. The trip to the pool helped ease the pain.
I have officially have a favorite out of the 5 girls; Chanlyda. Although she’s not good in here study I just really enjoy her. She makes my day sometimes. She kind of reminds me of myself. Laughs at the stupidest things and is content most of the time. I’m sure my parents will disagree with me. LOL! My Mom and Dad told me they would not take Jake (younger brother) and I anywhere together because in restaurants we were bats out of hell. I can just image how embarrassed my parents were; got to love us though.
January 10
Getting back I thought I would have more time to blog, but it seems getting back into my normal route takes time to get use to. Korea has made me realize how much I actually miss home and friends. I guess I get so caught up in my work that I don’t have time to miss home. Who would have ever thought I would say that; I didn’t. Life goes by so fast. Twenty years of my life has passed. At the age of fifteen I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s licenses and have my own car. Sixteen was supposed to be the turning point of my life; I thought. It actually turned out to be at fourteen when my parents let me stand on my own two feet and let me go to MEA. MEA has changed my life in so many ways. Just the other night Katrina and I were talking about the turning points in our lives and where we would be if we had gone the other way. I would be knocked up while working at McDonalds. Not something I would be too proud of. Taking a right (MEA) instead of a left (McDonalds) is much better. I stand proud in front of people knowing I have something to show for my life at the age of twenty.
As much as I love Cambodia and the people, I do want to go home; a place where I know the taboos and the people. Everyone wants to go to the “promise land” (America), but I have been trying to hide from it, because I desperately needed a break from my route. But, I think I’m ready to come home and be more grateful for what I have in life and start living my life differently. One other thing Katrina and I were talking about, “How do we let our experience here (Cambodia) change our lives?” I really don’t want to go home and not be changed. I want people to see a change in my life. How does one let this kind of experience change their life? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Getting back I thought I would have more time to blog, but it seems getting back into my normal route takes time to get use to. Korea has made me realize how much I actually miss home and friends. I guess I get so caught up in my work that I don’t have time to miss home. Who would have ever thought I would say that; I didn’t. Life goes by so fast. Twenty years of my life has passed. At the age of fifteen I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s licenses and have my own car. Sixteen was supposed to be the turning point of my life; I thought. It actually turned out to be at fourteen when my parents let me stand on my own two feet and let me go to MEA. MEA has changed my life in so many ways. Just the other night Katrina and I were talking about the turning points in our lives and where we would be if we had gone the other way. I would be knocked up while working at McDonalds. Not something I would be too proud of. Taking a right (MEA) instead of a left (McDonalds) is much better. I stand proud in front of people knowing I have something to show for my life at the age of twenty.
As much as I love Cambodia and the people, I do want to go home; a place where I know the taboos and the people. Everyone wants to go to the “promise land” (America), but I have been trying to hide from it, because I desperately needed a break from my route. But, I think I’m ready to come home and be more grateful for what I have in life and start living my life differently. One other thing Katrina and I were talking about, “How do we let our experience here (Cambodia) change our lives?” I really don’t want to go home and not be changed. I want people to see a change in my life. How does one let this kind of experience change their life? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
December 24-28
Sunday – Friday
I didn’t feel like writing several little blogs about my experiences here in Korea. So, I’m just going to write one or two big ones. First off I love Korea! I feel totally safe here. For once I don’t have to worry about going out at night. Its nice to have a safe place to live.
This past week I experienced lots of things. Take the Gym-gill-bong (no idea how to spell) for instance. It’s a giant sweat house. You go in, get a pair of clothes and go up stairs to the sweat rooms. You can choose anything from the oven to the freezer. My favorite was pebble room. I think of the right name right now, but I know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t gathered it’s a room full of hot pebbles/stones. Like all things at first its hot (cold) but once your body adjusts, it quite nice. I found that if I move around I get a minnie massage. There where other rooms, but still my favorite was the pebble room. I did however go into the “oven”. Breathing was really hard for me. I felt like I was suffocating. The air was so warm. My lungs where not happy with me, they screamed, “AIR!”
Now, you can’t go to a Gym-gill-bong without having a bath room. This room consists of naked women taking baths. Yes, literal baths. In these so called shower room you can scrub your body down with things such as salt to get rid of dead skin cells and also take anywhere between hot-hot baths to freezing cold. Klaralyn and her friend Michelle (?) stripped down to their skibbies, but I couldn’t pull myself to do it. Upon arriving I was contemplating it, but when I got their, the answer was, “HELL NO!” I just don’t like to have others see me naked. Yes, I know my husband will see me, but until then I prefer not to let other sneak a peek. Besides I don’t even like seeing others naked. It’s just not my thing. Who cared if they all have the parts!? Let me tell you what the parts don’t all look the same! Think of it as a vehicle, some cars are run down and out of date while others are fairly new and taken to the mechanic shop every few months for a tune up. If some of you are wondering how I compared women’s bodies and cars. When I was still in middle school I went to the doctor to get a check up and the nurse could tell I was nervous and she simply said doctors don’t look at the body as a sexual thing, but rather as a car. They go in and look for the problem and try and fix it; nothing more. Neither the less, I didn’t go in the shower room, but still enjoyed myself. I stayed up in the clothing area and read my new book.
I didn’t realize how much I would miss book. Considering the fact that Cambodia just came out of a huge Genocide the country has hardly any books. I bought four books: A Dry White Season (murder case), The Prep (Young girl growing up and taking on the world and its challenges), Atonement (love story), and finally 1100 words (improve my vocab). Klaralyn also gave me one, Perfume (mystery). I’m almost half through my first book (Dry White Season) and plan on finishing all five books by the time I leave. I need to do something other than watch T.V. episodes on my computer to keep my mind off work. I bought the 1100 words book to help me and the Lao boys. Mostly Prom because I know he’s always studying. I think he would enjoy this book of words. I just need to prepare myself to help him.
I have decided to stop calling Klaralyn by Gatz because I realized it has put a stop on our growing friendship. I figured out that by me calling her Gatz has put her in a position of not letting me in as a friend, but still as a student subconsciously. We talked about it while eating out. For me, I didn’t realize how much she has been keeping from just because I still call her Gatz. It’s funny to think a name can do so much. Maybe I should stop calling people by the names I use to call them while I was under their authority. Take Wilkins for instance, he is not my principle anymore, but part of me still views him an authority figure. Maybe because of the name I call him or because I respect him and his advice. Names are very powerful more so in other countries. I know that in Cambodia it doesn’t matter your name as much as does your blood line and what it has done in the past.
How did I get so off track? Anyway, back to Korea. I felt like I didn’t need to take very many pictures because it’s not new to me. The stores where pretty much the same just in a different language. To tell you the truth I didn’t see much of Korean culture. The closest I got to it was the food and that’s where I spent most of my money. But even with the food I was not totally exposed to the culture because its pretty westernized. I do like some of the food. The difference between Korea food and Cambodian food is that Korea has a fish taste. I don’t care for fishy stuff to much, but I wanted to experience the food. I did however want to eat a McDonalds just to see how the food was presented to me, because Korean’s are all about presentation. I loved getting coffee and having the foam look all pretty. Yes, getting coffee was really nice. I probably shouldn’t have had so much, but it was so nice to have a familiar taste. Klaralyn and I were reminded how much we missed Yvette. Before I graduated we use to go to Leaf and Bean. We titled ourselves as the L&B babes. Darren however didn’t always approve of our frequent visits but learned to deal with it.
Over all I loved Korea and am quite convinced I will be going back after I graduate to pay off my school loans. My parents will be happy to know I have some kind of plan to get out of debt. I still have not decided on what kind of major I want. So far I have narrowed it down to three choices, family forensic psychology, elementary education, or psychology. My next choice is where to for college after Cambodia. I am still debating whether to go back to WWU or attend another SDA possibly Union or just give in and attend community. If I decided to go with community I would stay in Bozeman that way I have people to look after me. Not that I will go off the deep end with drugs and drinking, but with rather my spiritual life. I pretty sure that if decided to drink I would do it responsibly. Truthfully I don’t think there is anything wrong with drinking if you keep it under control. Going and getting smashed is stupid and I wouldn’t do that. My mom in particular is nervous I will start drinking, but she has got to know that when and if I decided to drink I will drink responsibly. I’m getting to an age where I need to make my own decision. My parents and friends have done a good job with giving me a strong stance to hold.
Sunday – Friday
I didn’t feel like writing several little blogs about my experiences here in Korea. So, I’m just going to write one or two big ones. First off I love Korea! I feel totally safe here. For once I don’t have to worry about going out at night. Its nice to have a safe place to live.
This past week I experienced lots of things. Take the Gym-gill-bong (no idea how to spell) for instance. It’s a giant sweat house. You go in, get a pair of clothes and go up stairs to the sweat rooms. You can choose anything from the oven to the freezer. My favorite was pebble room. I think of the right name right now, but I know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t gathered it’s a room full of hot pebbles/stones. Like all things at first its hot (cold) but once your body adjusts, it quite nice. I found that if I move around I get a minnie massage. There where other rooms, but still my favorite was the pebble room. I did however go into the “oven”. Breathing was really hard for me. I felt like I was suffocating. The air was so warm. My lungs where not happy with me, they screamed, “AIR!”
Now, you can’t go to a Gym-gill-bong without having a bath room. This room consists of naked women taking baths. Yes, literal baths. In these so called shower room you can scrub your body down with things such as salt to get rid of dead skin cells and also take anywhere between hot-hot baths to freezing cold. Klaralyn and her friend Michelle (?) stripped down to their skibbies, but I couldn’t pull myself to do it. Upon arriving I was contemplating it, but when I got their, the answer was, “HELL NO!” I just don’t like to have others see me naked. Yes, I know my husband will see me, but until then I prefer not to let other sneak a peek. Besides I don’t even like seeing others naked. It’s just not my thing. Who cared if they all have the parts!? Let me tell you what the parts don’t all look the same! Think of it as a vehicle, some cars are run down and out of date while others are fairly new and taken to the mechanic shop every few months for a tune up. If some of you are wondering how I compared women’s bodies and cars. When I was still in middle school I went to the doctor to get a check up and the nurse could tell I was nervous and she simply said doctors don’t look at the body as a sexual thing, but rather as a car. They go in and look for the problem and try and fix it; nothing more. Neither the less, I didn’t go in the shower room, but still enjoyed myself. I stayed up in the clothing area and read my new book.
I didn’t realize how much I would miss book. Considering the fact that Cambodia just came out of a huge Genocide the country has hardly any books. I bought four books: A Dry White Season (murder case), The Prep (Young girl growing up and taking on the world and its challenges), Atonement (love story), and finally 1100 words (improve my vocab). Klaralyn also gave me one, Perfume (mystery). I’m almost half through my first book (Dry White Season) and plan on finishing all five books by the time I leave. I need to do something other than watch T.V. episodes on my computer to keep my mind off work. I bought the 1100 words book to help me and the Lao boys. Mostly Prom because I know he’s always studying. I think he would enjoy this book of words. I just need to prepare myself to help him.
I have decided to stop calling Klaralyn by Gatz because I realized it has put a stop on our growing friendship. I figured out that by me calling her Gatz has put her in a position of not letting me in as a friend, but still as a student subconsciously. We talked about it while eating out. For me, I didn’t realize how much she has been keeping from just because I still call her Gatz. It’s funny to think a name can do so much. Maybe I should stop calling people by the names I use to call them while I was under their authority. Take Wilkins for instance, he is not my principle anymore, but part of me still views him an authority figure. Maybe because of the name I call him or because I respect him and his advice. Names are very powerful more so in other countries. I know that in Cambodia it doesn’t matter your name as much as does your blood line and what it has done in the past.
How did I get so off track? Anyway, back to Korea. I felt like I didn’t need to take very many pictures because it’s not new to me. The stores where pretty much the same just in a different language. To tell you the truth I didn’t see much of Korean culture. The closest I got to it was the food and that’s where I spent most of my money. But even with the food I was not totally exposed to the culture because its pretty westernized. I do like some of the food. The difference between Korea food and Cambodian food is that Korea has a fish taste. I don’t care for fishy stuff to much, but I wanted to experience the food. I did however want to eat a McDonalds just to see how the food was presented to me, because Korean’s are all about presentation. I loved getting coffee and having the foam look all pretty. Yes, getting coffee was really nice. I probably shouldn’t have had so much, but it was so nice to have a familiar taste. Klaralyn and I were reminded how much we missed Yvette. Before I graduated we use to go to Leaf and Bean. We titled ourselves as the L&B babes. Darren however didn’t always approve of our frequent visits but learned to deal with it.
Over all I loved Korea and am quite convinced I will be going back after I graduate to pay off my school loans. My parents will be happy to know I have some kind of plan to get out of debt. I still have not decided on what kind of major I want. So far I have narrowed it down to three choices, family forensic psychology, elementary education, or psychology. My next choice is where to for college after Cambodia. I am still debating whether to go back to WWU or attend another SDA possibly Union or just give in and attend community. If I decided to go with community I would stay in Bozeman that way I have people to look after me. Not that I will go off the deep end with drugs and drinking, but with rather my spiritual life. I pretty sure that if decided to drink I would do it responsibly. Truthfully I don’t think there is anything wrong with drinking if you keep it under control. Going and getting smashed is stupid and I wouldn’t do that. My mom in particular is nervous I will start drinking, but she has got to know that when and if I decided to drink I will drink responsibly. I’m getting to an age where I need to make my own decision. My parents and friends have done a good job with giving me a strong stance to hold.
December 23
As I went up to check in my bags at the Asian airline, they informed me that my baggage was over weight. I didn’t know what to do so I just simply just batted my eyes and said I have never flown with this airline before and they let me go by with a warning. Good thing too because that would be pretty embarrassing if I had to send clothes home with Kim and Ben. My luggage was actually over weight because Ben and Kim asked me to take presents to their friends, which Kim set it up for her friends and I to meet one day. Their planning on making or taking us (Gatz and I) to dinner, either way I’m excited to meet them.
The plane ride was ok. I was planning on just sleeping the whole time and I would have if it weren’t for the stewardess, she insisted on waking me up and asking if I wanted to eat. It was a nice gesture, but come on! I was sleeping, does it even seem remotely like I want to eat dinner at 1 in the morning. Either way I just got situated again and fell back asleep. Getting off the plane I was greeted by a taxi driver. He wanted to make sure I had a ride. In fact he wanted to know so badly that he approached me 3 different times. Finally the 3 time he called Gatz for me using his cell phone. He told her what gate number to pick me up at and asked how long she would be. This would never happen in Cambodia. I waited for an hour in the airport then Gatz and I took a bus ride home. She bought me some fruit, and we just drank some tea and fell asleep talking on the couch. We ended up sleeping for about 3 and a half hours. Later that night we got dressed and went out on the town. She took me to this little restaurant where she visits quit often. I ate kim bop. Rice but with a twist, you add all kinds of vegetables. It was really good. I felt like I had a rock in my stomach thought because all I have been eating the last four months is fruit, eating heavy meals is hard on me. Either way the first day-night was good.
As I went up to check in my bags at the Asian airline, they informed me that my baggage was over weight. I didn’t know what to do so I just simply just batted my eyes and said I have never flown with this airline before and they let me go by with a warning. Good thing too because that would be pretty embarrassing if I had to send clothes home with Kim and Ben. My luggage was actually over weight because Ben and Kim asked me to take presents to their friends, which Kim set it up for her friends and I to meet one day. Their planning on making or taking us (Gatz and I) to dinner, either way I’m excited to meet them.
The plane ride was ok. I was planning on just sleeping the whole time and I would have if it weren’t for the stewardess, she insisted on waking me up and asking if I wanted to eat. It was a nice gesture, but come on! I was sleeping, does it even seem remotely like I want to eat dinner at 1 in the morning. Either way I just got situated again and fell back asleep. Getting off the plane I was greeted by a taxi driver. He wanted to make sure I had a ride. In fact he wanted to know so badly that he approached me 3 different times. Finally the 3 time he called Gatz for me using his cell phone. He told her what gate number to pick me up at and asked how long she would be. This would never happen in Cambodia. I waited for an hour in the airport then Gatz and I took a bus ride home. She bought me some fruit, and we just drank some tea and fell asleep talking on the couch. We ended up sleeping for about 3 and a half hours. Later that night we got dressed and went out on the town. She took me to this little restaurant where she visits quit often. I ate kim bop. Rice but with a twist, you add all kinds of vegetables. It was really good. I felt like I had a rock in my stomach thought because all I have been eating the last four months is fruit, eating heavy meals is hard on me. Either way the first day-night was good.
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