Friday, September 28, 2007

September 26

During class today we played fire on the mountain, I figured I would make math exciting. It was really funny to see the kids get into groups of 3, 5, 20, ect. You know towards the end of the game you only have so many kids. Well we actually had 20 kids left and I put them in to groups of 10 then I called out 11. Choronei ran across the room at full speed and grabbed the littlest kid (Samnang) by the waist and started pulling like crazy. The girls banned together and resisted Choronei. Samnang was seriously hanging in the air laughing his head off. I should have stopped it, but Yeema and I just laughed so hard. No one got hurt in the end though.
The rest of the day seemed to go pretty well. I just feel that I’m yelling all the time, SIT DOWN, BE QUITE! If I have to keep this up all year my voice is going die. I don’t know if I have informed you guys about me making my kids something every week? Not anything to big, but just something for them to look forward to. Most of these kids don’t have much in their life to look forward to and if I can help that I will. What better than deserts on Friday after school. The only thing is that I don’t know if I can keep on doing this. It’s pretty costly. Cake and frosting costs me 5 some dollars; I know that may not seem like a lot, but think I only live on $180 a month. I don’t mind spending the money, but if I could get support from my friends and family it would be nice. Thanks. Here is the address just in case;
Liz Spearson
P.O Box 488
Phenom Penh.
Remember it takes about 2 or more weeks to get to me. Thanks again. OH! It would be really nice to get something in the mail letting me know you are alive. I do get tired of talking about myself all the time; not! Joking! LOVE YA! I miss you all so much!

September 27

Today was good for the most part. I get so tired right after lunch. To the point where I just let my kids do what ever to an extent. I mean I do teach them the assignment, but once their done I will usually bluff my way through the rest of the class period, but after lunch lately I don’t care. The last period was seriously a joke. The kid did the work in less than 20 mins. What the heck was I going to do for the next 30 mins? I finally just gave into my laziness. Yeema was not feeling good either. The last 15 mins of class I just joked around with the kids. For the first time they asked how old I was. Sopheaktra guessed right on the first try. I was hesitant, but gave in. I figured their kids and 20 is old to them. MAN! I’m getting old. I’m not a kid anymore. I still see myself as a high schooler. Anyway, back on track; the kids. I just joked around saying so and so likes so and so. Surprisingly they understood me. It was so funny. Some of the girls pulled Chamnol over to my desk and asked me to say he like so and so; CUTE! Also today we played fire on the mountain with Katrina’s class (32). It was a big mistake, but I just didn’t know what else to do with math. I just figured it would be funnier with bigger numbers. So I ran over to Katrina’s room and asked if she wanted to play with us. I knew she would, but we both knew it was not a good idea. No matter how loud it got it was fun. I’m just glad Sharon didn’t come by. She would have not of approved.

September 28

Humpty Dumpy fell off the wall and broke. Liz fell down the stairs (again) bruising her bum. Come on that intro was a little different from my others, LOL! Anyway, I did fall down the stairs and really hurt myself this time. All day I couldn’t be comfortable. Even now I’m sitting on one butt cheek. I never have hurt my tail bone before and know it’s not cool. You can’t do little things like, put up objects from the floor without pain or sit. I just hope it doesn’t hurt this bad for to long. Church tomorrow doesn’t seem to fun considering its all sitting. The only time I’m actually comfortable is when I’m laying down, but who wants to lie all day.
Today was a good day, because it was a half day. Before I knew it I was handing the kids back to their parent’s. I gave the kids their cake the second to last period of the day. We were supposed to make a hat, but since I didn’t have anything planned for Art (last period) I figured we could do it then. It all worked out nicely. We also got payed today, $180. Not much, but something.
It’s my week to clean the apartment so I better get to that before Heather comes back from the market and freaks out. I love and miss you all very much!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 24

No school today, but still I woke up thinking I was late for classes. It’s amazing how your body gets into a system. At times it can work with you or against you. Anyway, I didn’t do much in the morning. It actually went by really really slow. I did a little work, but not much. In the afternoon Katrina, Heather, Ben, Kim and the Laos boys went to the pool. It was really fun. The American girls introduced some american water games, like chicken. One gets on top of the others shouler and you fight to the “death.”
Since it was a holiday here; constitution day the Laos boys wanted to make us dinner. But since they are going to school they don’t have much money so all of us chipped in. They made up fish. Here they cook the fish with everything in it, including the head. I was a little grossed out, but since I’m over here for an adventure I needed to try it. It was actually not bad. I just had Katrina rip me off some meat. Oh, and they made this one stuff, I’m not sure what to call is, but it was so good. Looking at it you would want any, but once it’s in your mouth you just can’t stop eating it. LOL! Need less to say I really loved the dinner they made us.
You know I would just have to say I’m getting pretty good at riding a moto side saddle. I was so scared to do it at first, but once you’ve done it a couple of times you just don’t even think twice about it. Besides most SM’s are looked down upon if they don’t to it. OH! I just have to say that Porm (not sure how to spell it) is really good at volleyball. I love playing with him. He reminds me of Ashley; oh how I miss her. Don’t worry I still love you all. Bye Bye Now!

September 25

Sokhapirum throw-up three times today. I thought he didn’t look to good in the morning. Katrina was doing that for some time. I asked Fay if there was a bug going around and she though Katrina had Guardia. A sickness where you throw-up everything you eat. I just hope Sokhapirum does not have that. Sokhapirum throw-up last week too. Makes me wonder, if he is just getting bad food; any who, I talked to him mother today. I told her that, “He throw-up three times and did this last week. If Sokhapirum is not feeling good tomorrow don’t bring him to class.” We will just see what happen. If he throws-up tomorrow I will just send him home.
So I finally talked to Sharon about maybe reimbursing me for the books that I bought for my class. She said that was fine, but I felt she was a little annoyed. Tim (co-worker) told me that you have to approach Sharon in a certain way. You have to make it her idea. If not, your most likely to be shut down. I didn’t do that today. While I was talking to her she looked at me like why did you go out and buy books for your class. Truthfully I don’t think the books we have are all that great. I mean they do teach the material, but kids need different variety, and I’m willing to pay for that. Other than that I didn’t do much today. We did have this really long teachers meeting about our committee’s. The teachers decided on whether we wanted to do certain events during the year. Oh! I guess a helper. Nice to know this; one month later!
I don’t want Yeema to leave were becoming good friends. She makes work enjoyable. I still need to talk to Sharon about finding an assistant all year. I just can’t teach all though kids by myself. Last week I could tell I was starting to loose my patience with Try Try Net and Sreynut. I didn’t even help them today because I just get to angry! They don’t do anything and I have so many kids that want to learn. I don’t KNOW! Just pray that I have patience with them and pray that Sharon has mercy on me and finds an assistant for the whole year. LOVE YA!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 20

This week it has been pretty cool. It’s rained every night. One day during the week I was soaking wet from standing out site with my kids saying good bye. I started making my kids say good bye to me before they leave. There so cute with palms together saying, “Good bye teacher Liz.”
Anyway, the corner punishment seems to work pretty well. I threaten them with going over to Teacher Kim’s room. Most of them say NO! I also bribe them with cookies and such. I tell them if their good I will bring cookies to only the good boys and girls. I really like the idea of making my kids something on Friday. It gives them something to look forward to.
Something funny, but not at the same time, I totally forgot to make my lesson plans for next week. LOL! I just got so hung up in the week that I forgot. Good thing Sharon didn’t really seem to care. I will try and do though tonight. But I have so much to do already. I don’t know.

September 21

Ok, so I didn’t get my lesson plans done last night, but I at least started on them. Hopefully I will get them done Sunday. School was good today. The last 20 mins of class we played duck duck goose. The kids love that game. I made them peanut butter cookies today. They seemed to love them. Friday’s are always a test day or game day. I did a little of both. I tested them on A though I. One by one I called them and wrote A though I on paper. The other test was shapes; heart, circle, square, rectangle, star, and triangle. We have been working on these shapes for two weeks. I wanted to be done with them last week, but most of the kids didn’t know them. I would say the majority of the class knew the shapes, but we need to start of other shapes. I will keep reviewing them though.
Sreynut and Try Try Net didn’t do to well on the tests today, but I don’t know what to do. I can’t sit there with them and do the assignments for them. I just have to many kids in my class that want to learn and have a better understanding of the lesson. I feel bad I can’t help them more. I will try and talk to Sharon about hiring an assistant all year. She will most likely shut me down, but who knows.

September 22

Nothing much here on Saturday, we just hung out in our apartment. Kim made us Sabbath lunch. I guess we hung out at Kim’s for sometime, but nothing to exciting. At 2 we went to the school and taught dorm choir. I don’t think I ever told you that I’m on the music committee. Ben and Kim are in it too. We are getting together choirs to sing at different churches and for various events during the week. I like it. Although I don’t really have time to squeeze one more thing into my busy schedule; I will because, it gives the dorm students something to do. I remember how it was on Saturday in the dorm.
I convince the Angie, the director, to make a dynamics. She is going to make a select choir. I’m kind of excited to hear them. Mrs. Roger will be proud.

September 23

Today was a particularly good day. I got so much work done and talked to my parents. I finally bought a grading system and really like it. I’m starting to feel more organized. After work Katrina, Heather, Kim and I all went to the IBC (International Book Center) it was nice, but I spent way more than I wanted to; $40. But I only bought one thing for myself; the rest was for my kids and the classroom. I have a feeling I will be spending quite a bit of money on them. I have no problem with that, but if you guys in the states can send me stuff or think of ideas that I could do in class please tell me. I’m desperate. The school does not have much to offer when it comes to school supplies and creative thinking. All the Khmer teachers only stick to the books, and so do I, but I want to give them a variety of learning methods. Which is why I bought several different books for kindergarten, I figured I could just copy the pages in the books and donate to the school after I leave. Heather said last night that I should consider bringing my receipts to Sharon and asking if she could at least pay for half. I don’t know what she will say; worth a try.
Tonight was nothing exciting. We just watched a movie. Tomorrow is no school so I’m pretty excited. I think we might go swimming or Heather wants to go to an art gallery in the afternoon. We do need to go shopping for food though, so we will see.

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 16, 2007
I didn’t mind Sabbath today as much because we didn’t go to Khmer church. Its not that I don’t want to go, but why go for a lecture we can not understand? Katrina and I should have stayed in one place for church, but its so hard staying in our little apartment all afternoon. The usually we sang song and had fellowship. Nothing new on Saturday, but truthfully we need to find something to do with our time. Heather was suggesting we do community service, maybe go down to the river and hand out free water bottle or food for the homeless. There is just so much poverty in this country. The rich live like kings and the poor sleep like dogs. Its sad, but life. I mean in our country homeless people have a choice to go somewhere, here its ever man for himself.
I really do want to help, but I’m so tired by the end of the day. The bed is inviting. No offence but Heather only teaches 11 hours a week where as Katrina and I teach 30 hours. She complains about her day; if she only knows what it was like to have our job. Ok. Anyways, I’m just mumbling now. That’s me.

September 17, 2007

Work as usual I actually didn’t have too much to do this weekend. I just graded some papers in the morning and went to town in the afternoon. I felt productive. I love that feeling. I was thinking about it over the weekend and come to the conclusion that teachers have a hard job. They, in a sense shape the future. Nothing much to say for this day.
September 18

My children are getting harder and harder to control. I have tried this new method of punishment. The corner, but with a twist; I put them in other peoples classes. I did start to do it only in my room, but the kids just seem to like the attention, so I got the idea from Kim to put them in other rooms. I think its working, but the test will be this week.
I feel like I’m constantly yelling at Chanlyda and Sarat, but if only they would shut up and listen. Sreynut is getting worse. She just won’t pat attention, she is pretty good about sitting down, but when you ask her to draw a circle which we have been working on all week she just repeats, “Draw a circle.” So frustrating! I even translate it for here, but no response. I think I will talk to Sharon about her and see if we can do something. I have mentioned Sreynut’s behavior to her mother, but she just says that she can’t do much about it because when mom comes home Sreynut is already in bed. She also said Sreynut is at school because she can’t be at home. This does not make to much sense to me because why waist money on a child that does nothing in school. I mean no child wants to go to school, but why waist money on a child that has to be hand feed at lunch time. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have the time or patience to sit with her EVERY assignment while other kids want my attention (the ones who want to learn).
If I didn’t have so many kids I could take the challenge of Sreynut, but I just can’t handle 24 by myself.

September 19

Ok, is it ok to like someone who is older than me? I mean I don’t really really like him. I just like certain traits about him. I know I don’t have time for a “significant other”, but wouldn’t it be fun for just one year. NO! What’s the point? I need to only concentrate on my teaching.
So today I made Pagna (Bung-Ya) cry. Well I should say scared him. He wouldn’t stop talking, so out of no where I grabbed him and had to literally carry him out of the classroom. It was kind of funny, but not at the same time. I actually didn’t get him to Kim’s room, but far enough out the door to lecture him. I didn’t have a problem with him the rest of the day. We will see how tomorrow goes.
I kind of feel like the days are starting to speed up. Before, I would look at the clock and wonder how I am going to fill this time. Wilkens was right about the time thing. I actually can’t believe tomorrow is Wednesday, half way through the week. YEAH!

September 20

Pagna was back to normal again. But today I dragged him out of class and stuck him in Kim’s for almost the whole period. I didn’t mean to, but Math period was going so well. The students actually understood me for the most part. I have this rule, if a child is taken out of class and misses the assignment they have no break time. They have to finish the assignment. Do you guys think I’m being to harsh? I do in a way, but if I give them an inch they will take a mile. CRAZY! Who would of ever thought I would use that saying. Anyway, the day was pretty good. Rithy took me to Sorria (the mall) to buys some brownies and cookies for my classes. Oh! Did I ever tell you about me handing over 7th grade math to Ben? Last Thursday was my last day to teach them. So I promised to make them a desert; brownies. Oh! And I make my kindergarten class something every week; we will see how long this last. Hey! If you can think of anything to make them besides cookies and brownies, tell me. It has to be really easy though and not refrigerated. Ok enough mumbling. LOVE YA!

P.S. Comment ME!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 9, 2007

Sundays are always a work day. So really I have 6 days of work. Anyway, Katrina and I got up and rode motos to the school. I would have walked, but it’s so hot my 10 a.m. I can’t believe it sometimes. Good thing the motos are only the equivalent of 25 cents. Sometimes the moto drivers will try and rip me off by saying its one dollar. So now I don’t ask how much I just have the money out before I get off and hand to them and walk off. If you look hesitant they will charge more. I usually like to stay a half day at the school doing work, but in reality I spend the whole day; just have so much to do. I always find more stuff to do. Right now, I should be doing my grading for kindergarten, but I’m just so tired from the day, collapsing is in my favor.
After work Katrina, Heather, and I went to the market for groceries. It was an adventure in its self. It was the first time we actually went out on our own. We needed a tuk tuk so we could stay together. If you have a moto you’re always taking the risk of spiting up. Personally I don’t want to be split up, who knows what would happen. Ok! I have to just say I’m getting so dark here. Its kind of scary because last year I got sun spots, and that was only in the sun for a short amount of time. Here, I’m constantly in the sun. It’s not like I lay out. Its just happens while standing out with my kids and random times in the sun with friends. I truly stay out of the sun; to hot. Ok, back to work. After the market we just cleaned up a little in the apartment and reorganized the food. Other than that, this is my Sunday.

September 10, 2007

Today was a little stressful. The children seemed to cause a little more trouble. I feel like I’m constantly yelling, sit down, quite, and wait. These kids just don’t grasp the concept of wait. I’m trying to teach the children to raise their hand when they want help. Right now they just yell out the answer. Also when I am helping Try Try Net (De-Ni) or Sreynut (Sli-nuut) they will come and stick their workbooks right into my face and wait for me to say good job. The children seem to really like that word. If I don’t say it they will answer for me. I will try and say something else because sometimes I feel like a broken record. So Try Try Net and Sreynut are the slower kids in my class. Surprising I have a bright class. I really am getting attached. Sreynut has a crying problem, literally her tear glands are whacked out.
I feel like I’m always yelling at Sarat (Sa-rat) and Chanlyda (Chan-le-da) all the time. They are cousins so they are continuously fighting. Today I think I made Sarat cry because I wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom. But he is always asking to go to the bathroom every class period. It’s like the story, The Boy who cried Wolf; you just never know when he really has to go. I just get tired of letting kids out of my class. They seriously take 2 seconds; I wonder sometimes if they just walk there look in the mirror and walk back thinking it was enough time to go to the bathroom.

September 11, 2007

Today was a horrible day. First off my children were not listening to me! I think their monsters have come out! I made Try Try Net cry. She wouldn’t write her name, in fact she doesn’t like to write at all. If she doesn’t learn to write her name now, then just image the battles the whole year.
In 7th grade math class I was called a bitch. This really put a damper on my day. I was so mad and frustrated that I just wanted to cry, but no, I couldn’t let the class know I was hurt. Good thing it was during the last 5 mins in class. How dare they call me a bitch! What the hell did I do to them? I’m just trying to help them learn math even though no one really wants to know math. I’m just so fed up with the 7th graders! I thought we were getting along! Man how deceived was I!
I talked to Sharon about the whole situation and told her that I couldn’t teach 7th grade math, because its emotionally and physically hard on me. I found out today I was the only teacher teaching all day. Meaning no breaks during the day to recuperate, most of the teachers got at least 50 mins to relax. I would have talked to Sharon earlier, but last Friday was not a good day for me. I quickly found out that going to town is not a 30 min thing, its an all day/half day. So anyway, Sharon did understand why I couldn’t teach Math. I do feel bad, but at the same time, if the students continued to take math from me they would either pass by a little or not at all. I don’t want to do that to them. They deserve the opportunity to learn math.

Sorry if my little story is a little intense for you. Please don’t think this is how it’s going to be. I’m hoping this will be the last time I write about this.

September 12, 2007

Today was a little better than yesterday. I felt like a 1000 pounds have been lifted off my back; no more 7th graders. Or so I thought…yes, I took them back. Ok, here is the story.
Wednesday morning I was kind of nervous for worship because Sharon talks about the classes and makes announcements. I was afraid she was going to bring up the fact of me not being able to handle the 7th graders. Ok, I’m a little embarrassed. I love to challenge myself and when I fail I feel horrible. With something such as giving up on a class is a big deal to me.

September 15, 2007

There is officially something wrong with me, I’m awake at 3 o’clock in the morning. I don’t understand. I woke up with a stomach ach and really achy all over. This has never happened to me before. I hope I don’t get sick. Well at least it’s Friday.
I have so much to do today. First off I’m worried about Art class going well. I really think the kids should have more time in Art class so I’m going to go through the other subject’s considerable fast and make more time for art. I just hope Sharon does not come into my class room when we are suppose to be learning English and doing Art stuff. Surprisingly she has only been in my room a couple of times since I have started. She seems to be pleased…or she is just not telling me. I mean she is always dropping hints to Katrina about her kids in worship. Although when she was talking to Katrina on Wednesday (I was there just waiting) Sharon did seem to drop a hint about how much Khmer is used in the classroom. Ok, I’m sorry, but how else are you suppose to teach the children when they don’t understand what you want them to do. One day Yeema was helping Katrina because I sent her over there. I do not think I told you about Yeema, she is my assistant. She graduated from CAS last year and is going to Mission College in November. Until then she will be in my classroom helping me translate and keep order. I really like her; she helps me out a lot. I almost want to talk to Sharon about keeping an assistant all year. Having 24 children is a hand full. It’s not that I can’t control them, it’s just I don’t have enough hands to help all. I mean every assignment we do in class I have to help Try Try Net and Sreynut. Try Try Net doesn’t want to write and Sreynut won’t pay attention long enough. How frustrating! Anyway, it is nice when I have Yeema there, she will either help Try Try Net and Sreynut while I’ll help the others.
Even though I may seem frustrated at times with the kids I wouldn’t mind teaching. I know it would be a lot easier in the states, especially when they can understand. Who knows what I will like to do when I come back. For all you know I could be come Teacher Liz forever.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 3, 2007

First day of school!

I’m not very good with children. Knowing I have to be enthusiastic all day long is tiresome. This year is going to be a battle with myself. Learning patience is my goal this year.
If you haven’t guest, I teach kindergarten. I’m responsible for 22 little bodies. My boss, Sharon says, if my children are out of line once it counts as one strike. Three strikes equal fired! So you can imagine me running around trying to keep my children in line. No, my class is pretty well behaved. The first day was when all listened intently because they wanted to do everything right. Everyone knows how that is. No matter what job you have the first day you follow the rules. Right down to the last second of lunch break. But this good streak only lasts for so long. Before you get comfortable and show your true side. I’m just waiting for my children to change into little monsters. Maybe next week…?
The first day of teaching was the worst for me because I felt so disorganized. Organization is my key to success. This way I feel confident. One day was not enough to get ready. Especially for new teachers! Any who, I did survive my first day of school; I’m sure I was as nervous as the students.

September 4, 2007

My students are still angels. Thankfully! My friend Katrina has first graders and they are so bad. She is expected to handle 32 children. Its so funny to hear some of her stories, but at the same time I feel bad. The principle, Sharon expects a lot from the teachers. All the teachers fear her. I don’t yet, but when she puts me in the spot light I will be. Katrina has been warned by Sharon several times about certain students, but one person has only so many hands.
My 7th grade math class is causing me so so many problems. I just don’t know how else to simplify the math than I have already. Not only is there a language barrier the students don’t listen. I can’t tell you how many times I have repeated myself. I mean come on their in 7th grade. I can understand repeating myself in kindergarten, but not in 7th grade. Everyday I have a board assignment. Which is like a minnie quiz; it’s a way for me to do attendance and also make sure they understood the last lesson. I told them what a board assignment was, what to expect on it, and when it will be due. I don’t know how many times I had to repeat myself just to get them to do the stupid board work. It seems that what I say goes in one ear and out the other. I CAN’T stand it! Oh and when I’m teaching the lesson all they do is talk; so rude and annoying. After so long I get so tired of talking over the voices I just tell them if their talking so much than they supposedly know the lesson already and I assign the homework. With in 30 seconds all the students are yelling, “Teacher, Teacher, I don’t understand!” Even though I’m annoyed I try and help them again, but once again, talking! I have a dead line with the school, which is to finish the whole book by the end of the year. We are suppose to be in chapter 2 or near is; we are only in chp1:2!!!!! I just don’t know how to get the kids to listen. I really do want to help, but I can only do so much. They have to meet me half way.

September 5, 2007

Today was a better day. Things started to move smoothly. I have this one student in my class, Chimnol. He is so cute. I would have to say he is one of my favorites. He has this pouty face. When he doesn’t understand he comes up to me holding his pencil and paper. He talks to me in Khmer, obviously, but I know what he wants. He is just so cute!! I could just kiss him on the cheeks and hug him to death; if only. Srynut, is a girl and is cute, but I think has some kind of learning disability. She doesn’t ever pay attention, and can’t sit still. Today I had to move her right next to my desk. Any assignment, I’m having to sit and watch her because she’ll color all the pages; Try Try Net is another student I’m having to do the same with.
Math today went a little better but not much. I think I’m just going to have to do a seating chart. I talk to Sharon about the 7th graders today and she said to try it out a little more, and try different methods of teaching. So tomorrow I think I will have each student read a problem and have one person figure it out on the board. We will see.

September 6, 2007

So I did move the 7th graders. I don’t thing their to happy with me. Oh well. If only they would have shut up! I did try to make all the students come up and do a problem on the board, but it still didn’t help the noise level. Oh, the other day I had a board assignment really easy. Two of five questions were personal. None of them turned it in on time. I told them they have 10 mins to finish the board work. As I counted down everyone must have expected me to just expect it late, but I didn’t care if it was 3 seconds late, I didn’t except it. Some students came up after I said time was up, but I just looked at them and said, “I don’t except late work.” I kind of felt bad, but at the same time, if I’m not strict their just going to walk all over me.
My kindergarteners were just as sweat as possible. I think their getting more comfortable, because some students are showing their monster side.
I’m so happy tomorrow is Friday. I just want to sleep. Every night for the past week I go to bed at 8ish and wake up at 5:30ish. We have to be at the school by 7 for teachers worship. I like to get to school at 6:30. it only takes about 5 mins on a moto and 10 to 15 to walk. The moto rides are 25 cents, 1000 ruos. The exchange rate is really good 4000 ruos to a dollar.
………….Just pray that I get through to the 7th graders.

September 7, 2007

Yes, it’s Friday! Today school was only a half day. LOVE THAT! I didn’t so any work today. Today is just a day for me to relax and take is what happened all week. After school we went to the markets and shopped for food. We also went swimming. It was really nice. For a dollar we can swim all day. The pool was in the back of a nice hotel and really BIG! No one was there. Katrina, Heather, and I had the whole pool. We didn’t stay to long because we had to get ready for Sabbath; clean house, laundry, ect…. Later on after sunset we had a meeting with Kim and Ben to have worship. It was pretty fun. Ben gave a talk about the girl washing Jesus’ feet. I don’t remember the name of the story in the bible, but hopefully you know what I’m talking about. Katrina and I went to bed pretty early. We were just exhausted from the week.

September 8, 2007

Today we sang songs with Ben and Kim. Bringing my flute up here was a big mistake. I don’t consider myself a great flute player, so when Ben and Kim want me to play I just shy away. I really do want to play, but I also don’t want them to truly know how bad I suck.
So, on Saturday I wanted to play my flute alone down in the conference room, but before I knew it Ben, Kim, Katrina, Rithy, and Rit (teacher) wanted to play and sing songs. I was kind of annoyed, but whatever. Today I was also feeling claustrophobic. Our apartment is not all that big and when Sabbath comes we can’t go out and play out on the grass. There is just no where to do this, except down by the river. But the only thing is if we are seen riding a moto or tuk tuk we could be considered bad Christians. If the river was in walking distance and if I knew where it was then I would consider it.
On Sabbath we just sing songs. Its fun, but going to get old over the year; I can’t wait till I get back and play in the grass. Oh! Another thing is I couldn’t really relax at the river because people are watching you and waiting for you to forget something, and the beggars are unbelievable. I do feel bad for them, but if I help one then 30 will come. Sometime last week while we were at the river this beggar come up. I don’t usually look at them, but this one I couldn’t help myself. He had the size of a medium blown up balloon bulge growth in his neck! Unbelievable!!!! I think the beggar noticed I had to take a double take and wondering if I was going just stair or pass the dough. I stuck to my rules and didn’t help any because not enough. Oh! This reminds me of another beggar. She was this sweat little old lady, so fragile and weak. I feel pity on the beggars here. Their nothing like the ones we see in the states. At least state beggars have the option of going to a help house (whatever it’s called). Here, everyone fends for themselves. SAD….

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Teacher’s Week

August 27-31, 2007

Right now, I’m sitting in class listening to Sharon (Boss) talk about Camp meeting. She has to explain everything to the Cambodians in detail because they don’t know much English and sometimes don’t totally understand. Cambodia is a very different place to be. I still can’t believe I’m living here the whole year! The school is pretty nice. I’m mostly happy about the bathrooms; clean. Other than that the school and our place the toilets are squat pots. I experienced it for the first time on Sunday in the mall. I took a picture. LOL! It was fun going to the mall with Ben and Kim, room mates, Rithy, Janice, and Jeff. We just looked around and had some laughs. We were prohibited to take pictures at the mall. So sadly I don’t have any pictures, maybe I will take some undercover style. LOL!
On Wednesday I walked to school by myself. Surprisingly I was not scared. At first I was going to listen to my I-pod but figured I shouldn’t draw anymore attention. Some of the people know a little of English so while walking someone passing on a moto said Hi, and ask how I was doing. I being nice answered back. When arriving at school I meet up with one of my Co-workers. He asked me why I walked. He thought I was walking to lose weight. But in reality I was walking because I don’t know Khmar enough to communicate to the moto drivers, and it cost money. Why pay when you can walk?
I really like all the teachers here. They’re really funny! Rithy is the Bible teaher and bus driver. He is the one that drove us around town on Sunday. JC took us out on the town with Kim and Ben again. Ok, just for now on assume when we go anywhere Kim and Ben are with us, because we really get along and do everything together. So…JC took us down to the river again and to the markets. At the river the locals were have a ceremony. They buy flowers, birds, or food and pray for there relatives and throw it away. Like the food, people will wrap it in a plastic bag and set it on the river for the fish. This is to pleas the gods which will bring good fortune to their family. The flower they just present to the gods while praying and then discard when finished praying. The birds, are just set free I’m not sure what that is suppose to symbolizes.


For the past couple of day we have been trying to do our laundry. But every time we attempt it rains or our clothes which are already on the line get wet again. Its kind of annoying, but as time goes on I will learn more about the weather. Right now its hard to predict if its going to rain because it’s the rainy season. Right now I only have one more load to do and this particular load will take me about a week to do.


I know what I’m going to be teaching. Kindergarten and 7th grade math. Not to bad. The only thing that worries me is the teaching part. I’m not sure how to do a lesson plan. And I don’t have all the books yet. They were suppose to be here Sunday, but are not going to be here until Tuesday. School starts MONDAY! I need the books. Today I have been cleaning my room and arranging it. I need to get some stuff for the room. I want to have a reading area with bean bags or huge pillows for the kids to lay on. I’m also a little worried about the language barrier. How am I supposed to teach the children if they don’t understand what I’m saying? So, I know for a fact that this year is going to be challenge; maybe God will give the children the gift of tongues. LOL! I will take pictures of the class once its done. I want to make a list of things I need. It would be really helpful people could help me get them. The people here in Cambodia are just now.

Long weekend

August 24-26, 2007
The last couple of days have been really fun and tiresome. I feel all I’ve been doing is running around. I want to sit and take the new information in. Don’t get me wrong I love the fact that we’ve been taken around PP, but in all reality I just want to sleep. On Sunday Katrina, Heather (other room mate), Kim and Ben (couple we met), Rithy (Co-worker), and I went to the river. For the first time in my life I saw a monkey in the wild! I was so excited! The monkey literally walked right in front of Katrina and Me. It was kind of alarming because I didn’t know what it was doing. Katrina just laughed at me! Oh, and we saw an elephant. Man oh man was I ecstatic. After my excitement we decided to eat by the river at a little place called the Gold Fish something. The food was pretty good. My meal only cost about 3 dollars. Really cheep. The exchange rate here is excellent, 4 thousand rues to one dollar. I definitely can get use to this. LOL!


August 22, 2007

Leaving my family and friends was not easy, but as I predicted, once I got onto the plane I would be fine. During the first half of the plane ride I was crying (silently). I bet the people around me thought someone in my family died or something. The plane ride was not all that bad. I just took a sleeping pill to help me sleep and keep a regular schedule with the time zone. Let’s see…I was afraid to fly into LAX, but to my surprise it was not all that bad. Katrina’s Aunt helped us out a lot. The longest part of the plane trip was still ahead of us. It was 12 hours and 40mins. Not fun! But not unbearable because Katrina and I got seats with lots of leg room; to the point where we could lay all out. Landing in Phenom Penh was really hot. At first I thought I could handle it but as time went on I re-thought. No, but really it’s not all that bad just really humid.
The first day in PP we were forced to say awake. I really didn’t mind that to much because we did need to get on to the time zone. We are 13 hours ahead of Montana. When I wake up you guys are just getting ready for bed. The only thing I don’t like about that is the calling. When I want to call home I have to wake up my parents really early. While I was riding in the car being shown were I was going to live for the next year I kept thinking to myself, how am I ever going to get to town? LOL! I mean you have to speak there language or hope that the moto driver knows a little English. By the way a moto is a motorcycle. There is no law against how many people can ride on one moto, so in other words if one family, which consists of 4, wants to eat in town you can ride. Pretty scary, I have seen 4 to 5 riding on one! Anyway, I think I will adjust just great to Cambodia. I know it will be hard, but I’m going to make the best out of my stay.