Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 9, 2007

Sundays are always a work day. So really I have 6 days of work. Anyway, Katrina and I got up and rode motos to the school. I would have walked, but it’s so hot my 10 a.m. I can’t believe it sometimes. Good thing the motos are only the equivalent of 25 cents. Sometimes the moto drivers will try and rip me off by saying its one dollar. So now I don’t ask how much I just have the money out before I get off and hand to them and walk off. If you look hesitant they will charge more. I usually like to stay a half day at the school doing work, but in reality I spend the whole day; just have so much to do. I always find more stuff to do. Right now, I should be doing my grading for kindergarten, but I’m just so tired from the day, collapsing is in my favor.
After work Katrina, Heather, and I went to the market for groceries. It was an adventure in its self. It was the first time we actually went out on our own. We needed a tuk tuk so we could stay together. If you have a moto you’re always taking the risk of spiting up. Personally I don’t want to be split up, who knows what would happen. Ok! I have to just say I’m getting so dark here. Its kind of scary because last year I got sun spots, and that was only in the sun for a short amount of time. Here, I’m constantly in the sun. It’s not like I lay out. Its just happens while standing out with my kids and random times in the sun with friends. I truly stay out of the sun; to hot. Ok, back to work. After the market we just cleaned up a little in the apartment and reorganized the food. Other than that, this is my Sunday.

September 10, 2007

Today was a little stressful. The children seemed to cause a little more trouble. I feel like I’m constantly yelling, sit down, quite, and wait. These kids just don’t grasp the concept of wait. I’m trying to teach the children to raise their hand when they want help. Right now they just yell out the answer. Also when I am helping Try Try Net (De-Ni) or Sreynut (Sli-nuut) they will come and stick their workbooks right into my face and wait for me to say good job. The children seem to really like that word. If I don’t say it they will answer for me. I will try and say something else because sometimes I feel like a broken record. So Try Try Net and Sreynut are the slower kids in my class. Surprising I have a bright class. I really am getting attached. Sreynut has a crying problem, literally her tear glands are whacked out.
I feel like I’m always yelling at Sarat (Sa-rat) and Chanlyda (Chan-le-da) all the time. They are cousins so they are continuously fighting. Today I think I made Sarat cry because I wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom. But he is always asking to go to the bathroom every class period. It’s like the story, The Boy who cried Wolf; you just never know when he really has to go. I just get tired of letting kids out of my class. They seriously take 2 seconds; I wonder sometimes if they just walk there look in the mirror and walk back thinking it was enough time to go to the bathroom.

September 11, 2007

Today was a horrible day. First off my children were not listening to me! I think their monsters have come out! I made Try Try Net cry. She wouldn’t write her name, in fact she doesn’t like to write at all. If she doesn’t learn to write her name now, then just image the battles the whole year.
In 7th grade math class I was called a bitch. This really put a damper on my day. I was so mad and frustrated that I just wanted to cry, but no, I couldn’t let the class know I was hurt. Good thing it was during the last 5 mins in class. How dare they call me a bitch! What the hell did I do to them? I’m just trying to help them learn math even though no one really wants to know math. I’m just so fed up with the 7th graders! I thought we were getting along! Man how deceived was I!
I talked to Sharon about the whole situation and told her that I couldn’t teach 7th grade math, because its emotionally and physically hard on me. I found out today I was the only teacher teaching all day. Meaning no breaks during the day to recuperate, most of the teachers got at least 50 mins to relax. I would have talked to Sharon earlier, but last Friday was not a good day for me. I quickly found out that going to town is not a 30 min thing, its an all day/half day. So anyway, Sharon did understand why I couldn’t teach Math. I do feel bad, but at the same time, if the students continued to take math from me they would either pass by a little or not at all. I don’t want to do that to them. They deserve the opportunity to learn math.

Sorry if my little story is a little intense for you. Please don’t think this is how it’s going to be. I’m hoping this will be the last time I write about this.

September 12, 2007

Today was a little better than yesterday. I felt like a 1000 pounds have been lifted off my back; no more 7th graders. Or so I thought…yes, I took them back. Ok, here is the story.
Wednesday morning I was kind of nervous for worship because Sharon talks about the classes and makes announcements. I was afraid she was going to bring up the fact of me not being able to handle the 7th graders. Ok, I’m a little embarrassed. I love to challenge myself and when I fail I feel horrible. With something such as giving up on a class is a big deal to me.

September 15, 2007

There is officially something wrong with me, I’m awake at 3 o’clock in the morning. I don’t understand. I woke up with a stomach ach and really achy all over. This has never happened to me before. I hope I don’t get sick. Well at least it’s Friday.
I have so much to do today. First off I’m worried about Art class going well. I really think the kids should have more time in Art class so I’m going to go through the other subject’s considerable fast and make more time for art. I just hope Sharon does not come into my class room when we are suppose to be learning English and doing Art stuff. Surprisingly she has only been in my room a couple of times since I have started. She seems to be pleased…or she is just not telling me. I mean she is always dropping hints to Katrina about her kids in worship. Although when she was talking to Katrina on Wednesday (I was there just waiting) Sharon did seem to drop a hint about how much Khmer is used in the classroom. Ok, I’m sorry, but how else are you suppose to teach the children when they don’t understand what you want them to do. One day Yeema was helping Katrina because I sent her over there. I do not think I told you about Yeema, she is my assistant. She graduated from CAS last year and is going to Mission College in November. Until then she will be in my classroom helping me translate and keep order. I really like her; she helps me out a lot. I almost want to talk to Sharon about keeping an assistant all year. Having 24 children is a hand full. It’s not that I can’t control them, it’s just I don’t have enough hands to help all. I mean every assignment we do in class I have to help Try Try Net and Sreynut. Try Try Net doesn’t want to write and Sreynut won’t pay attention long enough. How frustrating! Anyway, it is nice when I have Yeema there, she will either help Try Try Net and Sreynut while I’ll help the others.
Even though I may seem frustrated at times with the kids I wouldn’t mind teaching. I know it would be a lot easier in the states, especially when they can understand. Who knows what I will like to do when I come back. For all you know I could be come Teacher Liz forever.

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