Friday, December 14, 2007


December 13

Tonight I was officially scared for my life. I left Tea and Coffee (T&C) hoping a moto would pick me up right away, so I didn’t have to walk home in the dark to long. My hopes were fulfilled when a man flagged me down from the other side of the street. The moment I saw him I had this feeling in my stomach. I didn’t think too much about it. As the moto driver drew nearer I couldn’t help but noticed he was quite young and didn’t smell too bad either. He talked in Khmer as usual and I mumbled this way. Not to long after getting on he turned around as much as a moto driver could and placed his hand ever so gently between my legs and slowly processed to slide up my leg. I didn’t know what to do, so I just casually moved his hand and cured at him (even though he doesn’t understand). As the ride continued I was starting to worry, “What if he doesn’t bring me home and takes off! I don’t have my cell phone on me either to call someone, what then? What am I going to do if he takes off with me? Will I jump off or be driven to certainty of unpleasantville?” As we came closer to the intersection of Pas Mnong (Pa-s-na-ung) He turned Right and I told him to go straight. Immediately I shouted Atha (no) and pointed in the right direction. I seriously thought he was going to take me away! I just wanted off the moto and away from the creepy man.
You know the weird thing about this is that Katrina was out last night riding her bike in our neighborhood when a moto driver slowed down to get right beside here and reached over to grab her crotch. Thankfully the man just drove off and Katrina didn’t fall down and the man come back to do whatever. You know how people say it’s dangerous at night, but you think nothing will happen to me. Well, when it actually happens, you start taking into consideration the advice from others. I know from now on I will try not to go out at night with out another, and always carry my cell phone just incase. The thing is that I truly don’t know much about Cambodia and I need to remember that. There are people out there wanting to do bad things and I need to remember this. Who knows what would have happened if the moto driver took off with me. Truthfully I would rather he hit by a vehicle than rapped. So, yes, I would have probably jumped off the moto in hopes of survival.

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