Saturday, March 1, 2008

Khmer Engagement Party

March 2

On Friday Katrina and I got invited to an engagement party. We know the family of the grooms because they live right next to the Lao boys house. We don't talk to much, but acknowledge each other. Sometimes they will give us rides to town if they are going too. So, the party was taking place in front of their house. Which all the parties take place in front of the hostess place. What they do is set up huge canopies and decorates them with bright colors such as orange, red, yellow, and some brown. These kind of remind me of circus tents. At the party we were suppose to bring some kind of gift, but when I asked what I should bring they insisted I didn't need to bring anything. So, me being the missionary whom lives on a stipend didn't. That morning I went to play volleyball at the school from 6:30 to 7:30 and rush home to get ready for the party. Being an Indian I don't have such a thing called time. So, I actually left the school at 7:45. I rushed home and got ready really fast. To my surprise Katrina was not up either and we were both running late. But unlike me Katrina doesn't take long to get ready. She is always waiting on me; sad but true.
The party was pretty cool. I have always seen this kind of thing going on around town and wondered what happens, so today i got to see. First off they line everyone up with the gift in hand, which can be anything from candy to fruit and present it to the bride and groom one by one. Originally they have guests walk from the grooms house to the brides house (where the party is), but this particularly bride is from America. So, that would be one long walk/swim. Once this process is done they all sit down under the canopy. You are served food and drinks. This part of the party you just sit and talk about whatever with your table buddies. Lucky me I sat with some of the teacher from our school. It was pretty fun. The food was interesting. They served us rice with sea food in it. It had squid, octopus, and shrimp. My first couple of bites I didn't pay to much attention, but then quickly wondered. I know that rise is not chewy. Come to find out that i just ate an octopus. It didn't taste bad, but really chewy.
After eating we decided to see what everyone was doing in the house. Turns out the bride and groom have a photo shoot in their living room, but it's all decked out with bright colors, just like the canopy. The bride would hold anything from flowers to fruit. She had lots and lots of makeup on and her hair was as stiff as could be. Beautiful, but to much for me. I hope I don't look like that when i get married. The most surprising part was the shoes. They were elf looking; curled up, and were golden. I don't know if you can see them well in the picture, but if only i got one.
I was only planning on watching them take the pictures, but ended up being forced to join in the picture. I was not sure about this because no one else was doing it (Khmer people and I usually try and not do anything they don't do). But they kept insisting, kind of fun to be in the picture though.
One more thing, this wedding was fake from the beginning. The groom paid for the bride to come to Cambodia and marry him. But turns out that they fell in love with each other. Pretty cool, ha?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.