Thursday, April 17, 2008


April 18

For the past week we had a holiday, Khmer New Year. I was talking to my dad the other day and he asked me a question that I didn’t thing about. Is it 2008 or 2009 here? I still think that its 2008. They don’t celebrate our New Years time, but change the year when we do. I don’t understand, but whatever; HAPPY KHMER NEW YEAR! To celebrate this holiday they throw water or power on you. It doesn’t matter if they know you or not you’re going to be a walking target. I got drenched by the Lao boys one morning. They tricked me into thinking that Brennda was calling me outside. For those of you who don’t know Brennda she’s the one that is getting “married”. She is from California and has two kids. One of which she had here and the other is at home with the boyfriend. She is so much fun and I’m going to miss her when she leaves at the end of the month. She has made my time here fly by. I kind of hope that the babies passport doesn’t go through for a little while longer so that she doesn’t have to leave. I really will miss her.
Anyway, all I have been doing this holiday is hanging out with the Lao boys and Ben and Kim. It has been a really relaxing week. I’m really glad I didn’t go anywhere because quite frankly I’m tired of traveling. I just want to take a break and rest. Sorry, have to say that there is this older man who will not stop staring at me. Every time I look at him he just smiles; creepy. Whatever.
I got to see Yeema (old assistant) this week. She came by yesterday and we went to the Russian market then to Soya. However, I got separated from here at Soya and I just ended up going home from there alone. I’m going to call her today and say goodbye. This was the last time we were going to see each other too. I really love Yeema. She is a good friend.
Earlier this week I took all the Lao boys to the pool. It was really fun. Prom and me raced and man can he hold his breath. By the way Prom is starting to talk to me more now. I’m happy for that because before I had to almost twist his arm. I’m still the closest to Nova. He is a really good guy and really fun. Now that the whole Liz and Lao boys business has finally been dealt with I can actually hang out with them in peace. Although I’m sure some people are still not happy, but whatever. I can’t make everyone happy and I finally shut them up. I only wish that I did this earlier, how much trouble I would have saved myself and others.
I’m really going to miss them and Ben and Kim. I’m planning on coming back here to visit Ben and Kim next year. We will see though. If I work really hard this next year and watch my money I’m sure I can do it. I promised Ben and Kim that I would help them out if they needed it when the baby comes. Kim doesn’t want to take my money, but you know what I’m more than happy to help if it for a good cause. I love giving rather than receiving. That goes for all my friends. No matter the time whether I can’t afford it, I will make it happen some how. I’m always there for my friends. And I’m so sorry if I have ever made anymore feel dispensable. That was never my intension. I really value my friends, I’m nothing with out them ALL.
During this time of my time here, I’m really homesick for my friends and family. I have realized that without friends a person is nothing. Being lonely is not worth it. I have found that holding grudges is not worth it. Holding grudges is a horrible thing. Don’t do it. It only destroys friendships. Ben said that as you get older you realize how important friendship is and holding a grudge is not worth it. I’m going to try my hardest to stop doing this. This is one of my weaknesses. I have always done this. What I mean is that I don’t hold a grudge forever, but I will hold one until the person(s) and I talk it out. I have a hard time forgiving someone for something they did to me. But the Bible says that if you don’t forgive though who persecute you, you will not be forgiven. Pray that I can get better at not holding grudges.

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