Friday, May 23, 2008

Papaya Salad!

May 13-19

We had another holiday. This holiday was for the King’s Birthday (Tuesday through Friday off). Even with the holiday I was going to work to get my tests done and I still have not finished. I only have to do Science and Math. Math is going to take me the longest because I have to make lines and draw things; not to hard, but very time consuming. Last quarters test I did and it took me for ever to do, and it didn’t even last me an hour. I need to add more and make it a little harder.

I have to say. I’m really proud of one of my students. Bunthorng (Bun-thong) He has made huge improvements. At the beginning of the year; no, throughout the whole year he has never done to well in my class. Its not that I don’t try and help him, but rather that he doesn’t pay attention in class. But recently I have been putting him with kids smarter than him and I think its starting to rub off on him because he is starting to learn how to phonetically spell words. Meaning if I say the sound he can write the letter and spell the word. I first noticed this earlier this week. I was giving a mini quiz to see where they are in spelling and reading and he did quite well. But you know what; I guess he has been doing this for sometime now because when I would correct his quizzes/tests he would do better than usual. I guess I just never thought too much about it, but now I know what I need to do to help him out. I’m really proud of him. Its little things like this that makes me want to become a teacher. I love knowing that I have helped this child learn to read. Maybe I will get something for him and have a Khmer teacher translate for me when I give it to him and explain why.

Ok, now back to what I did over my holiday. I didn’t do too much, but I hung out with Boramey and the Lao boys a lot. During the day I would get up and head right over to their house with my computer and work. At night we would watch a movie or play cards. Oh! On the 15th we celebrated Nova’s birthday. If it wasn’t for Lakena (Senior) bringing a present to him we would of never known. It just so happened that I wanted to learn how to make papaya salad that night. I had promised Khamphia that we would do it last weekend, but I just forgot, but he reminded me that day. So, Boramey and I went to Pa-sa-ma-oung (market by our house) to buy all the ingredients. I want to make it for my friends and family when I go home. It’s really good! Every time I go out to eat I order it; Som tom. That night was one of the best nights ever. We made papaya salad, watched a movie and took lots of pictures. Also Boramey stayed at my house for the first time. It was just an enjoyable night. I am truly going to miss those boys. I love each and every one of them for different reasons.

What I just remembered one more thing. One night Singkham and I went to the internet shop with Boramey’s moto and while we were there it started raining like crazy! Singkham didn’t want to go out in the rain, but I really wanted to get all wet. So we headed out! We drove around on the moto for about 20 mins in the rain! Once we got home Boramey and I played in the rain for awhile. The rain is so warm here that you don’t have to worry about getting sick.

During the holiday we talked a lot about my trip to Loa’s. So far I have figured out that I’m going to stop at Dreams province first with Khamphia and Nova; stay their one or two day then travel onto Porms province with Khamphia and Nova for sure. Dream might have to stay at home to help for the rest of the week, but we will see. Oh, and interesting thing, I have to ask Porms village first before I can stay, not sure why, but I just hope I can. After Porms province Khamphia, Nova and I will travel on to Venetian (Capital of Laos). I will then go to see waterfalls, and travel onto another part of Laos with Khamphia and whoever wants to come. I’m really excited to see how this all plays out. At first, when I was thinking of going, I was a little worried because I was going to be by myself, but they keep assuring me that they won’t leave me. I went and talked to Fay about it earlier and she said that when they went Khamphia was their helping the whole time. So that gives me some assurance that he won’t leave me. When I fly back to Phnom Penh from Laos I’m hoping to visit Siem Reap (Ankor Wat) with Boramey. I will be really short on time, but I am going to try and make it all happen. If I start to pack before I leave for Laos I will have more time. Because as of right now I am coming back from Laos on the 11th (Friday) and the following day I would leave to Siem Reap with Boramey then come back on the 13th (Sunday) or 14th (Monday) and then pack to leave on the 16th (Wednesday). Not much time to get ready to leave, but I will try and make it happen. Man, am I going to be really tired of traveling. Once I leave on the 30th to Laos I will be doing nothing but traveling until I get home! I hope I’m not too cranky when I come home. You know, if I’m correct I arrive in Bozeman at night, like 10 or 11:30ish. You all will be tired and I will be set to go. My mom says that she is going to drive my car up so that I can drive it home. I really can’t wait to be able to drive myself to places. I do love riding moto’s, but at the same time I miss being able to drive myself.

So, that is what has been going on in my life right now. I have only a few more weeks of school left and I have mixed feeling about it. I am going to miss all of this. When I go home please be understanding if I want to come back. Its not that I don’t love you, I just love being abroad. I was talking to Darren Wilkins about this a long time ago and I still can remember what he said to me, “Once you get the travelers bug you don’t want to stop.”

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