Friday, September 21, 2007

September 16, 2007
I didn’t mind Sabbath today as much because we didn’t go to Khmer church. Its not that I don’t want to go, but why go for a lecture we can not understand? Katrina and I should have stayed in one place for church, but its so hard staying in our little apartment all afternoon. The usually we sang song and had fellowship. Nothing new on Saturday, but truthfully we need to find something to do with our time. Heather was suggesting we do community service, maybe go down to the river and hand out free water bottle or food for the homeless. There is just so much poverty in this country. The rich live like kings and the poor sleep like dogs. Its sad, but life. I mean in our country homeless people have a choice to go somewhere, here its ever man for himself.
I really do want to help, but I’m so tired by the end of the day. The bed is inviting. No offence but Heather only teaches 11 hours a week where as Katrina and I teach 30 hours. She complains about her day; if she only knows what it was like to have our job. Ok. Anyways, I’m just mumbling now. That’s me.

September 17, 2007

Work as usual I actually didn’t have too much to do this weekend. I just graded some papers in the morning and went to town in the afternoon. I felt productive. I love that feeling. I was thinking about it over the weekend and come to the conclusion that teachers have a hard job. They, in a sense shape the future. Nothing much to say for this day.
September 18

My children are getting harder and harder to control. I have tried this new method of punishment. The corner, but with a twist; I put them in other peoples classes. I did start to do it only in my room, but the kids just seem to like the attention, so I got the idea from Kim to put them in other rooms. I think its working, but the test will be this week.
I feel like I’m constantly yelling at Chanlyda and Sarat, but if only they would shut up and listen. Sreynut is getting worse. She just won’t pat attention, she is pretty good about sitting down, but when you ask her to draw a circle which we have been working on all week she just repeats, “Draw a circle.” So frustrating! I even translate it for here, but no response. I think I will talk to Sharon about her and see if we can do something. I have mentioned Sreynut’s behavior to her mother, but she just says that she can’t do much about it because when mom comes home Sreynut is already in bed. She also said Sreynut is at school because she can’t be at home. This does not make to much sense to me because why waist money on a child that does nothing in school. I mean no child wants to go to school, but why waist money on a child that has to be hand feed at lunch time. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have the time or patience to sit with her EVERY assignment while other kids want my attention (the ones who want to learn).
If I didn’t have so many kids I could take the challenge of Sreynut, but I just can’t handle 24 by myself.

September 19

Ok, is it ok to like someone who is older than me? I mean I don’t really really like him. I just like certain traits about him. I know I don’t have time for a “significant other”, but wouldn’t it be fun for just one year. NO! What’s the point? I need to only concentrate on my teaching.
So today I made Pagna (Bung-Ya) cry. Well I should say scared him. He wouldn’t stop talking, so out of no where I grabbed him and had to literally carry him out of the classroom. It was kind of funny, but not at the same time. I actually didn’t get him to Kim’s room, but far enough out the door to lecture him. I didn’t have a problem with him the rest of the day. We will see how tomorrow goes.
I kind of feel like the days are starting to speed up. Before, I would look at the clock and wonder how I am going to fill this time. Wilkens was right about the time thing. I actually can’t believe tomorrow is Wednesday, half way through the week. YEAH!

September 20

Pagna was back to normal again. But today I dragged him out of class and stuck him in Kim’s for almost the whole period. I didn’t mean to, but Math period was going so well. The students actually understood me for the most part. I have this rule, if a child is taken out of class and misses the assignment they have no break time. They have to finish the assignment. Do you guys think I’m being to harsh? I do in a way, but if I give them an inch they will take a mile. CRAZY! Who would of ever thought I would use that saying. Anyway, the day was pretty good. Rithy took me to Sorria (the mall) to buys some brownies and cookies for my classes. Oh! Did I ever tell you about me handing over 7th grade math to Ben? Last Thursday was my last day to teach them. So I promised to make them a desert; brownies. Oh! And I make my kindergarten class something every week; we will see how long this last. Hey! If you can think of anything to make them besides cookies and brownies, tell me. It has to be really easy though and not refrigerated. Ok enough mumbling. LOVE YA!

P.S. Comment ME!!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi Lizzy! I just read your last few blogs - WOW! Reading your blogs makes me feel like you are sitting right here beside me talking - that's so nice! Sounds like you definitely have had your challenges! But as usual you are meeting them head on and keeping a good spirit about it all! Gosh, I can't believe you've been there a month already, time goes by so fast. It will be June before we know it! I LOVE you so much honey and I'm keeping you and your students in my prayers! Love you!