Saturday, November 17, 2007

The class against Sreynut

November 13

Today was a pretty good day for the most part. Yeema was late today, but I forgive her because she has to drive through the traffic and who know how long it will take you to get anywhere. I have found if you want to get anywhere fast you take a moto. Although they are laughed at in the states because usually it means you don’t have enough money for a car, but here in Cambodia their “the bomb!” I myself have been thinking about getting one. The only think that keeps me from getting one are the driving skills of these people. Seriously there are really no laws on the road, OH; big = right away. But I tell you what, moto’s can weave in and out of traffic like a rat does to miss traps. LOL!
Katrina and I went to Rajana to get the clothes I got tailored. I was pretty excited out it. I have never been tailored. I just went in and told them how I want it to look and the fabric, response, “No problem.” I got a dress for Sabbath, skirt, and a blouse to match the skirt. The dress is in black and turquoise with flowers; the skirt is brown (favorite color) with little white flowers at the bottom and a white blouse (sleeveless). I’m pretty excited to see if it fits right. Today was the day to pick them up, but we got there just after it closed. I just figured I won’t fight the clock through out the week and will just pick them up on Friday after school time. I will save money and energy that way.
During class today I had kids tattle-tell on each other. I found out that everyone say Sreynut has a demon inside, she is crazy, needs to go to the hospital, and is stupid. My kids seem to think its ok to make fun of others. Tell you what! That is not going to happen in my class if I have knowledge of it (language barrier). Sarat came to Yeema and said he saw Popata (sit by Sreynut) pinch, hit, slap, laugh, scratch, curse (demon inside, stupid. Not like you’re a little bitch). I was so shocked that Popata would do that. So I called her over to my desk and asked her:
Liz: Have you been hit, laughing, ect Sreynut?
Popata: No!
Liz: If you’re lying to me your going to be in lots of trouble. I will call your Dad and make him take you home. You only have one more chance to tell me the truth. Repeated question.
Popata: Yes.
Liz: Why?
Popata: I don’t know. (classic)
Liz: Well, until you tell me why you did though things to Sreynut you are going to sit at the back of classroom facing the wall until you do.
Popata: ok.
Now, just keep in mind that Yeema was translating for me the whole time. Popata was really mad at me for the rest of the day, but you know what?! I don’t want her thinking she can get away with that. When I was in elementary other kids could be really mean. Since this is a Buddhist country they believe when something is wrong with you there is a devil inside of you. They do some really whacky stuff to get rid of their “sickness.” For instance, head ach are treated by dipping a medal circle in to hot oil and putting it on your forehead. HOT! When I first got here I noticed people with 3 huge red dots on their forehead and wondered; now I know. JC informs me in a lot of these things. By the way the 3 dots go away after sometime. Anyway, back to Sreynut and Popata. I just don’t want other kids thinking they can get away with making fun of others. In Asia they just tell you how it is; blunt. They don’t seem to know about good timing.
So do you think I was to rough on Popata? She will be there until she tells me why she does that to Sreynut. I don’t care if it takes all week. I will just make sure to ask her frequently. One positive thing today, I found Popata works better when she is mad. She just does as I say no questions. I just almost want to keep her mad because then I wouldn’t have to chase after her all day; JOKING!
Sad thing, the internet is totally out for the year (wireless). Heather tried to connect this afternoon and found its not password protected. So sorry if I don’t answer your e-mail or myspace comments quickly, I don’t like to pay for the internet at the internet shop because of many reasons. But I just might have to know or I will just go to Tea and Coffee once a week. We will see.

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