Sunday, November 4, 2007

Laos boys, Rithy, and the duck

November 4

Today was a pretty good day. The whole day it was windy and the sun stayed away. Today was the first day I wore pants and didn’t get hot at all; loved it! Also today I finally got the slip from the post office that I received a package from home. The package actually arrived the 23 of October, but just got the notice, kind of annoying, but at least I can get it now. Katrina and I are going to the post office tomorrow right after school and retrieve the packages and letters.
I finally feel like the Lao boys are relaxed around me. Last night I went to watch a movie at Rithy’s (like usual), but this time the Lao boys didn’t want me to leave. So I stayed for one more movies, but ended up falling asleep. I woke up to the Lao boys dancing around in their boxers. Kind of weird, but funny at the same time, they were not going to wake me up and wanted me to stay the night. I know they wouldn’t of done anything, but I’m a teacher maybe not theirs, but still a teacher. I feel funny around them sometimes because I’m an authority figure and still the same age. Sing Khom age 22 (sing com), Seng por (sing por) age 20, Khom Pie age 20 (com pie), novh age 17 (noah), Porm age 20 and dream age 20. I love each and every one of them. I will write about them more individually later, but just for the record Sing Khom and Seng por are me favorite.
Speaking of the Lao boys they made Katrina and I lunch today. They went out and bought a duck and lots of other stuff and fed us. I never had duck before and was kind of curious. Sing por laughed at me because I never had duck before. I was hesitant at first because I’ve never seen a duck de-feathered before (Sing por doing the deed) kind of gross, but interesting. There food is so good, but really spicy. Every time they invite me over for food they make special dishes for me because I can’t eat the spicy stuff, although its still spicy. Lao’s just laugh at me! LOL! Seriously my nose runs and my ears are on fire; never had this happen before so I’m very careful how much a take. I will away start out very little and try different things to see what I can handle and what I can’t. You know for boys their freaking good cooks. I seriously love though boys. When Katrina and I went to the beach for the week we just kept thinking about how much we miss the Laos boys and wanted them to come. They don’t have much money so we were thinking of treating them to a weekend at the beach with us. We would pay for the lodging and some of the food, but they would have to pay for the bus ticket and part of the food.
I have first quarter testing this week and hope my kids pass with flying colors. I mostly worried about the lucky five, although Chimnol and Bunthorng are doing great. I thing they have improved a lot since moved up to the front of class. Try Try Net and Sryenut are the same, but at least Try Try Net doesn’t cry when I ask her to write her own name. I think they have learned that I don’t fall for the crying trick. Just because they cry doesn’t mean they get out of school work. Popata is still the same though. She doesn’t pay to much attention in class and that’s hurting her grades. I tried to talk to her dad, but be doesn’t seem to have much control over Popata. He is an engineer and works a lot. He use to pick her up everyday, but now sends and uncle or something. Popata’s dad seems to care if she is doing well, but is not putting forth the effort. I can’t do this all on my own, the parents need to help the child too.
Oh! I think I’m going to change my major to elementary education. I have been thinking about his for sometime and really enjoy what I’m doing here and would love to continue when I come home. All my high school classmates said one day I would become a teacher, but I never thought I would consider it. what do you think?
Oh! and also I got to talk to Gatz last night on the phone really briefly. It was so nice to hear a familiar voice. I miss her so much. We are planning on going to Hong Kong for Christmas for maybe I will go to South Korea. I don’t know, but I do know I don’t want to stay in Phenom Pehn. If I’m going to be on the other side of the world then I better travel. That reminds me Katrina and I are planning on going home though Europe, Paris, Italy and France. I don’t know if we will go to all the places but we will go to at least 3 for sure. I would love to see Paris, OH and Italy. I want to ride in the skinny boats down the water to different shops; FUN!
Random thing; Rithy wanted to hold my hand today. I didn’t know what to say so I just made up accuse to hold my pants because they were to “long.” Even though I was holding my pants he still locked his arm in mine. He is really strange. He has asked me to go on walks with him and get dinner, but I always say I’m to busy. Usually when girls say that they are hinting to the guy, “No,” but to Rithy he tries several times more. I wander how many times I’m going to have to turn him down before he gets the clue. Oh! Just to let you know over here if the guys likes the girl he will ask them to go on walks or such, so don’t think he going to kill me or something.
I will write about he Laos boys later because they are so funny and each one has a different relationship with me. Worth writing about.

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